Introduction to Nonviolent Communication as developed by Marshall Rosenberg
This is an agenda from a past workshop to give you an idea of some of
the topics possible in future workshops...
Overview of the NVC Model
(introduce the components:
five parts (T,O,F,N,R)
three modes (connecting with self, expressing, receiving)
NVC theory:
1) Introduction to Concepts that surround and
support the practice of NVC
(Connection and Intention)
2) Why and How does it work in relationship with
self and others.
(use Map of process, dance floors and flow chart)
Applying the theory: learn, practice and experience
skills that promote connection and co-operation:
1) Role of Needs in Communication
(Work of Max Neef, needs as life energy, thoughts and feelings as
conduits to needs)
2) Empathy: True Listening
3) Translation of Alienating language / Monkey Business
learn about:
1)moralistic judgements- blame insults, put downs
labels, criticism
3)Denial of responsibility
4) Emotions
a) Recognizing and working with my triggers and
choosing my responses.
1) the work of Paul Eikman, Emotions Revealed.
a) Habitual Responses (triggers and buttons)
(What programs are you running?)
2) Wave Work and Emotion work of Sandra Scherer
Working with anger Separating stimulus the cause, anger and
the should mentality
5) Requests
a) Properties of Effective Specific Requests
b)Formulating and making requests- Connection and Action
Celebration and Summation